Brent Naughton Portrait Artist
Painting People & Pets
Brent Naughton is an artist and graphic designer living in Cincinnati, Ohio and specializing in portraiture. His work focuses on athletes, everyday heroes and most recently, pets (it could be argued that 'pets' fall under the 'everyday heroes' category, but we think they deserve their own mention 😉).
A true lover of sports with the Cincinnati Reds topping his all time favorite teams, Brent's work has been shown in the Reds Hall of Fame, The Robert Clemente Museum in Pittsburgh and the Dayton Art Institute. In the spirit of celebrating every-ness, you can always view his work at Eli's BBQ on Riverside and Fireside Pizza in Walnut Hills. He's also been featured on The Art Show on CET as well.
What was Brent’s favorite thing to draw as a kid? Check out this video to see a little behind the scenes and find out!